February 22, 2012


Course Description: A study of basic principles of composing, printing processes mechanics, and terminology of typography as an element of graphic communication. Explore copy counting, type selection, specification, mechanical and dummy preparation by familiarization with traditional and contemporary type styles and designing new faces through computer aided projects. Course Objectives/Aims To provide students with a...
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Course Description Semester one of the third year student will involve a study of the painting techniques, methods, and the relationship of materials to pictorial expression, content analysis of style and concepts. This course outline will in particular put emphasis on the use and practice of oil colour. Aspects of conduct, properties, techniques of expression...
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Course Description The contemporary art of the world beyond Europe. The influence and assimilation between Europe, America, Oriental, Africa and world contemporary art/design East African Art History. Criticism of the theories, analysis and evaluation of work of arts and design. Course Objective Give students a broader cultural social context of Modern Art in the Western...
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Course Description Explore aspects of research as an art for Human animals and birds to express diameters, situations for portrailine, Nature, Cartoon excecution for Art Desciplines. This course divided into course units /topics: Identification of themes of field subjects with emphasis to develop visual ideas. Concepts and themes to be used in individual studios electives...
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Course Description Compilation of collected data, analysis and write up of the report with the help of supervisors. Presentation of final report. Course Objectives   To help students learn how to apply theoretical research methodology knowledge into practice. To help students learn how to investigate an identified research problem. To help students learn how to...
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