February 2012


Rationale The area is discrete  mathematics  is foundational material for computer  engineering. The material is pervasive in the areas of data structures and algorithms Attachment Name Attachment Type CMP2201 Discrete Mathematics and Random Processes DOC PDF
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Rationale In the object-oriented view of software, programs are considered to be collections of objects that interact by sending messages to one another and reacting to the answers to those messages. These ideas are at the forefront of modern software development. This course is designed to teach the fundamental ideas behind the object-oriented approach to...
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Rationale Circuits and signals are foundational material for computer engineering. These areas provide  the  basic  knowledge  for  the  design  of  the  circuits  used  to  implement computers. Knowledge of the electrical circuits used to implement digital circuits and computers is crucial to the computer engineer. Objective The course aims to provide the student with: An introduction...
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Rationale Software engineering is the discipline concerned with the application of theory, knowledge,  and  practice  to  build  effectively  and  efficiently  software  systems  that satisfy the requirements of users and customers. Software engineering is applicable to small, medium, and large-scale systems. It encompasses all phases of the life cycle of a software system. The life cycle...
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Rationale Computer architecture is a key component of computer engineering and the practicing computer engineer should have a practical understanding of this topic. It is concerned with all aspects of the design and organization of the central processing unit and the integration of the CPU into the computer system itself. Objectives To  provide  an  overview...
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