February 2012


Brief Description of Course: This course introduces students to small-scale business start-up, development and management. It covers choice of business, risk taking, capital mobilization and growth of a business. Course Objectives: The objectives of this course are to: Give students an appreciation of the role of entrepreneurship in the economy Develop an understanding of the...
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Brief Description of Course: This course requires that each student carries out a project devoted to an investigation of a topic and produces a final report. This could be design of a product to fill an identified need or a study to solve an identified problem. Objectives of the Course: The objectives of this course...
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Brief description of course Analysis, design and management of production systems. Topics include productivity measurement, forecasting techniques, project planning, inventory systems, aggregate planning, master scheduling, material requirement planning, operations scheduling, and modern approaches to production management such as capacity planning and control Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:...
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Rationale This course introduces the basic concepts of combustion, heat transfer, steam and gas power plants and the relevant analysis of the various system components. Engineers are interested in studying systems and how they interact with their surroundings. To facilitate this, the subject of thermodynamics is extended to the study of systems through which matter...
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Brief Description of Course: This course introduces the concepts and techniques employed in the design and development of products. It covers design basics, methods, approaches and tools. It involves students working in groups to go through the process of designing a product. Objectives of the Course: The objectives of this course are: To give a...
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