March 2, 2012


Course Description: The course introduces to the learners the fundamentals of art history: the relationship between art history and general history, formation, growth and development of art history, the globalization of art history and its effects to the development of the study and understanding of local art history. Terminologies used in the study of art...
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Course Description This course starts with an analysis of African art from the early beginnings to about 500 BC. Here we shall find not only tool making but also painting on rock surfaces and presumably also on the human body. In this period pottery and basketry appeared denoting the beginning of food production, fishing and...
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  Course Description Students refine their expressive vision, printmaking knowledge and skills through project(s) developed within an individual conceptual framework, while exploring a relevant contemporary theme(s). Students develop processes vital to the production and completion of their work, and through critiques students evaluate and articulate methodology and ideas. Course Objectives The objective of this course...
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Course Description This course is designed to foster the students’ personal vision, style and process. Students develop problem-solving skills as they explore the implications of their own ideas, break down projects into stages, discuss the developing images and adopt print processes for the purpose of executing the final project. By looking at strategies artists have...
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Course Description This course introduces strategies in drawing to address identified drawing tasks. Students are encouraged to explore various approaches in drawing and use of a variety of drawing media, apply and expand their level of technical skills, consider alternative drawing methods and use of drawing as a vehicle for personal expression. Still life, the...
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