March 2, 2012


Course Description Final Graphic Design Project Development: The course enables student to acquire a high level of the practical skills within the context of the investigative and research. It enables further development of a personal design style through encouraging experimentation and exploration of innovation within design and visual thinking; core skills developed: research methodologies; contextualization...
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Course Description The programme aims at developing individual choices and expression with the students’ work. Finally, in the fourth semester of study, students develop a self-directed, mature and cohesive body of studio work with the support of the faculty advisors. Most emphasis is placed on experimental approaches; provide the students with tools for working within...
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Course Description Reflection, synthesis and resolution. Delivering and understanding of your chosen path-project. Developing a critically reflective conclusion showing practical outcomes and defining your position through critical review. Self directed studies are encouraged towards developing a body of work for final exhibition. Course Objective To enable students to be able to make a personal and...
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Course Description The course focuses on development of a theme-oriented major fashion collection that represents learners’ analytical and critical examination of their physical and cultural environment; historical, current and popular traditions and how they influence fashion; Learners embark on a self-initiated and self-managed project, and are encouraged to seek their personal direction in fashion design...
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Course Description The course focuses on the practical requirements of the industrial process of textile design. Reflective practice on the role of the role of textiles and dress in the historical and current contexts; the methods and processes of design ideation and mark-making techniques; the selection, application and interpretation of motifs and their aesthetic and...
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