Undergraduate Programmes


Rationale This course aims to prepare life scientists and engineers for the electronic age in healthcare. It is expected to fill a major gap in healthcare management, namely the management  of biomedical technologies and emerging e-health applications. Students will  acquire  the  necessary  skills  to  integrate  biomedical,  information  and communication technologies in order to enhance the...
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Rationale Computer games provide a contemporary gaming and entertainment  platform as well as stimulating the mind of the developer toward high level of creativity. It is therefore imperative for the computer engineering student to be abreast with the fundamentals of computer  games  development.    Using  a comprehensive  and analytical approach  to game engine architectures, this is...
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Rationale This Course is designed  to  address the needs of the student  undertaking  computer engineering in database systems. Objectives To introduce the student to the fundamental concepts of data models. To expose the student to the methods and techniques appropriate for a given problem. To  introduce  the  student  to  the  selection  and  implementation  of appropriate...
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Rationale This shall be carried out in a firm doing Computer Engineering or Related Work. This training goes on for ten weeks during which the student is supervised by a member of the  teaching  staff of the  department.  The student  prepares  a report  discussing  the training  environment,  lessons  learnt,  challenges  faced  and  recommendations.  This report  has...
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Rationale The number  of computer  networks  is increasing  dramatically.  From small offices to entire  countries,  computer  networks  have  become  the  heart  of  electronic communication today. Using established protocols, these local and wide area networks have become the conduit for servers and clients. Of interest today is data integrity and security as well as the “right”...
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