Undergraduate Programmes


Course description Accounting for funds both in the field and in the survey firm is essential for an organised profession. It is extremely easy for funds to go astray in the field. The student has to learn to handle project funds when in the field and in the office and be properly accountable. Objectives Appreciation...
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Course description This course is a basic to the profession. It uses what has been learned in CES1101, CES1102 and CES1104. Practice should come instinctively, as with riding a bicycle. It must be flexible to cater for an international private sector (mostly) clientele. The practice of surveying cannot be taught by handouts and assessed by...
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Course Description Field Data Collection for the Civil Engineer is the first basic professional activity of the Civil Engineering Surveyor. It is the fieldwork of Surveying, but with a flexible approach suitable to the collection of field data (detail, features) that would be needed by the Civil Engineer. This course is a theoretic introduction and...
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Course description The Civil Engineering Surveyor must understand the site. Not all the students will have studied Geography at ‘A’ level, in particular physical geography. Here it is presented in a more practical form. The student learns the basics of natural landforms and their metamorphosis and the effect Civil Engineering projects have on the environment,...
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Course Description Reading the Field, or Field Data Recognition is a basic professional activity of the Civil Engineering Surveyor. This does not treat of design, but of those features in the field which may have a bearing on the design proposal of the Civil Engineer. The Engineer explains his/her viewpoint in the classroom, the Surveyor...
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