Undergraduate Programmes


Course Description This course introduces concepts of planning and design of water and wastewater treatment systems, design concepts and calculations of water transmission and distribution systems. It also covers wastewater conveyance systems and creates awareness of environmental aspects of water supply and wastewater management projects. Objectives introduce concepts in the planning and design of water...
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Course Description The traffic and transportation engineering course trains students to plan and conduct traffic management designs of different elements of streets, highways and abutting lands and the traffic operations thereon. The major control parameters in their planning and design include safety, convenience (comfort) and economic operation of freight and passengers. Objectives Enable students assess...
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Course Description This course considers the status and operation of public infrastructure facilities generally, with particular attention to the responsibilities and roles of public works engineers. It explores the relationships between the engineering, administrative (managerial and economic) and political aspects of public works management. It focuses on critical infrastructural issues like diagnosis, analysis and repair...
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Course Description The course comprises of Project Management (an overview of organisation theory, component characteristics of projects, coordination theory, organisational structures and introduction to procurement methods), Project Modelling (CPM and PERT methods, linear problems of transportation models and simplex technique types) and Site Management and Practice (supervision techniques, productivity, build-ability, and case studies on pre-...
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Course Description In this course, final-year students perform a research project largely of their own design and direction in the field of engineering under the guidance of academic supervisors. Students submit a proposal at the beginning and a bound research report at the end summarizing their findings. They also deliver an oral presentation to a...
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